Neck Pain Treatment
What Causes Neck pain?
Neck pain can be caused by overuse or poor posture; and other times it’s caused by an injury from a sport or sport-related activity, a fall, or even whiplash.
Many times this pain is just soreness that subsides within a few days. But in cases where the pain lasts more than a week or becomes chronic in nature, you’ll want to consider seeking professional attention to the area.
There are many possible non-life-threatening causes of neck pain, including:
Muscle strain and/or tension
Rheumatoid Arthritis
A herniated cervical disk

Neck Pain Treatment
At 360 Clinic, we believe in the customization of each individual’s neck pain treatment plan in order to address their body’s needs and ailments with the utmost precision.
Acupuncture treatment is a process of placing thin needles into the skin throughout different pressure points of the body, depending on what condition is being treated.
We’ll ask you what your diet and daily routine look like, along with what your symptoms are; in order to give us the best direction regarding what points of your body would be most effective for needle placement.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a common and effective treatment for temporary and chronic neck pain. This will typically involve applying different treatments to reduce the stiffness and/or pain enough that we can begin a program of stretching, conditioning, and strengthening your neck.